This page lists new translations of Blanqui’s most important and influential political texts, alongside the French originals. The texts have been collectively translated by Philippe Le Goff, Peter Hallward, and Mitchell Abidor. Other compilations of Blanqui’s French texts can be found on the Marxist Internet Archive, in a 1971 edition of his Textes choisis, and in the most valuable French anthology, Maintenant, il faut des armes, (2007), edited by Dominique Le Nuz.
‘Première proclamation’
‘First Proclamation’ |
27 July 1830 |
‘Déclaration du Comité provisoire des Écoles’
‘Declaration of the Provisional Committee for Schools’ |
22 January 1831 |
‘Défense d’Auguste Blanqui au procès des Quinze’
‘Auguste Blanqui’s Defence Speech at the ‘Trial of the Fifteen’ |
12 January 1832 |
‘Rapport à la Société des Amis du peuple’
‘Report to the Society of the Friends of the People’ |
2 February 1832 |
‘Notre drapeau, c’est l’égalité’
‘Equality is Our Flag’ |
2 February 1834 |
‘Pourquoi il n’y a plus d’émeutes’
‘Why There Are No More Riots’ |
2 February 1834 |
‘La Richesse sociale doit appartenir à ceux qui l’ont créée’
‘Social Wealth Must Belong to Those Who Created It’ |
February 1834 |
‘Propagande démocratique’
‘Democratic Propaganda’ |
1835 |
‘Notes de Blanqui pour sa défense au procès des Poudres’
‘Blanqui’s Notes for his Defence at the ‘Gunpowder Trial’’ |
October 1836 |
‘Formulaire de réception à la Société des Saisons’
‘Initiation ceremony of the Society of the Seasons’ |
1837 |
‘Discours du Prado’
‘Speech at the Prado’ |
25 February 1848 |
‘Pour le drapeau rouge’
‘For the Red Flag’ |
26 February 1848 |
‘Deuxième pétition pour l’ajournement des élections’
‘Second Petition for the Postponing of Elections’ |
14 March 1848 |
‘Aux Clubs démocratiques de Paris’
‘To the Democratic Clubs of Paris’ |
22 March 1848 |
‘Adresse au gouvernement provisoire’
‘Address to the Provisional Government’ |
20 April 1848 |
‘Les Massacres de Rouen: La Société républicaine central au gouvernement provisoire’
‘The Massacre in Rouen: The Central Republican Society to the Provisional Government’ |
2 May 1848 |
‘L’Union des vrais démocrates’
‘The Union of True Democrats’ |
November 1848 |
‘Réponse à la demande d’un toast pour le banquet des travailleurs’
‘Response to the Request for a Toast for the Workers’ Banquet’ |
November 1848 |
‘À la Montagne de 93. Aux Socialistes purs, ses véritables héritiers !’
‘To the Mountain of 1793! To the Pure Socialists, its True Heirs!’ |
3 December 1848 |
‘Sur la révolution’
‘On Revolution’ |
1850 |
‘Avis au peuple’
‘Warning to the People’ |
25 February 1851 |
‘A propos des clameurs contre l’Avis au peuple’
‘Concerning the Clamour Against the Warning to the People’ |
April 1851 |
‘Travailler, Souffrir et Mourir’
‘Work, Suffer and Die’ |
c. 1851-52 |
‘Lettre de Maillard à Blanqui’
‘Letter from Maillard to Blanqui’ |
1 April 1852 |
‘Lettre à Maillard’
‘Letter to Maillard’ |
6 June 1852 |
‘Lettre à Tessy’
‘Letter to Tessy’ |
6 September 1852 |
‘Lettre à tous’
‘Letter to Blanqui’s supporters in Paris’ |
18 April 1866 |
‘Les Sectes et la Révolution’
‘The Sects and the Revolution’ |
19 October 1866 |
‘Fatal, fatalisme, fatalité’
‘Fatal, Fatalism, Fatality’ (this text will be added following its publication in early 2018) |
28 July 1868 |
‘Instructions pour une prise d’armes’
‘Instructions for an Armed Uprising’ |
1868 |
‘Contre le positivisme’
‘Notes on Positivism’ |
1869 |
‘Le Communisme, avenir de la société’
‘Communism, the Future of Society’ |
1869 |
‘Un dernier mot’
‘One Last Word’ |
12 February 1871 |
‘L’Eternité par les astres’
‘Eternity by the Stars’ |
1872 |
‘Fragments philosophiques et politiques’
‘Philosophical and Political Fragments’ (this text will be added following its publication in early 2018) |
1840s-70s, collected by Le Goff and Hallward |